One of the most concerning factors for ostomate is the risk of leakage from the ostomy system they are using and the odors that may emanate from the bag. For odor elimination, see our ostomy odor management products page.
To prevent the risk of leaks, Ostomy Depot offers several ostomy leakage solutions. Skin barriers will create a buffer between your equipment and your skin and help maintain a proper seal. The ostomy paste will help create a flatter surface which will allow your flange to adhere better and prevent leaks. Stoma collars as its name suggests forms a collar around the stoma and prevents the liquid from ending up under the wafer, thus preventing possible leaks. We also have tapes, mouldable seals, flange extender and barrier strip which all serve to prevent leaks.
You can also try our one-piece ostomy bag system where the pouche and flange cannot separate reducing the risk of leakage between the two components.
We encourage you to try different types of products to find the one that works best for you and with which you are most comfortable.